Pos T-O Name: CPSA Class/Cat Cty Rounds: 1 / 2 / Total
1 Soanes PJ: 24 / 25 /49
2 Anderson RF: 20 / 22 / 42
3 Soanes C: 17 / 23 / 40
4 Morton A: 15 / 18/ 33
5 Medler B: 13 / 18 / 31
Category Winners:
- Norfolk Champion: Philip Soanes 49/50
- Norfolk Junior Champion: Charlie Soanes 40/50
- Norfolk Veteran Champion: A Morton 33/50
Full List Of Scores:
Click here to view/download the full list of scores
Scores for the Classes/Categories:
Click here to view/download the class/category scores
N.B. Prize money must be claimed within 12 months of the event date.